After the completion of a successful stay at St John's Approved Premises move on planning is now strengthened through the support of our Outreach service, working closely with Offender Managers to continue the resettlement work.
Transitional work takes place both pre and post release. We will continue to develop links and strengthen partnerships with housing providers and employment agencies across West Yorkshire in order to strengthen the individual support we are able to provide. All Service Users are screened, and offered extended support to secure appropriate accommodation and address their long term employment and resettlement needs.
Building on the relationships already in place, ex-residents will be visited at home and offered contact, capitalising on the hostel opening hours (ie 7 days a week, 24 hours a day). For those Service Users requiring help to live independently or with more complex issues, the support will continue long term, extending to voluntary through care if required, involving practical, financial and rehabilitative guidance tailored to individual needs.
The end goal is to build on the structured supported environment of the Approved Premises, and to foster the longer term recovery, so recall and relapse will be minimised and greater compliance and a reduction in reoffending can be achieved.
For further information contact: Afzal Khan - Chief Executive Officer