About St John’sSt John’s Approved Premise provides structured accommodation for medium and high risk offenders under the supervision of the Probation Service. Residents live in a structured environment, which includes an overnight curfew and 24 hour supervision by trained staff.
Funded by the Ministry of Justice, St John’s is an independent charity managed by The Knights of St Columba, working in close partnership with the National Probation Service. St John’s Approved Premise is not a permanent home for offenders. It is used for the rehabilitation of offenders, using nationally recognised methods of assessment plus group and individual work to reduce the risk of serious harm to members of the public, enabling residents to play a positive role in society when they eventually move on. In late 2012, we began two new initiatives that will help strengthen our partnerships across the National Offender Management spectrum and work towards reducing re-offending and protecting the public. We now have a designated ROTL Room for use by those on “Release on Temporary Licence” and an Outreach Service, working closely with Offender Managers to continue the resettlement work. In May 2015 St John's launched its own Supported Housing Programme (Compass) offering Service Users quality, sustainable accommodation with 24hrs support. |